
Shasta + Rebecca at three years. by Suzanne Price

Rebecca + Shasta | January 27, 2014 | San Francisco, CA

Rebecca + Shasta | January 27, 2014 | San Francisco, CA

Today is Shasta and Rebecca's third wedding anniversary, so I thought I'd reach out to them to ask what they've learned about themselves and each other!

Rebecca mentioned the importance of the desire to grow together by taking the time for individual growth. When you see your partner taking the steps to grow, encourage them - you'll be better for each other! 

Shasta talked about "the power of reflective listening (RIGHT???)" Also, she said it is vital to approach each other with empathy, acknowledging how past bruises can affect the present. We work to heal those wounds together.

Dan has been friends with Rebecca for many years, but I am SO grateful for the friendship that has blossomed between the four of us in the intervening years. They are a constant source of joy, inspiration, and TONS of hilarity. They make the world better.